Summer CSA 8 Weeks

Summer CSA 8 Weeks

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Oh the Joy! Oh the Abundance! of a Summer Bouquet! This share option runs for 8 weeks- roughly July through August (weather permitting).

You’ll be able to watch summer ripen and blossom right in your vase! As the season progresses and the days become warmer and longer you’ll receive annual garden favorites, zinnias, cosmos, sunflowers, & dahlias along side specialty cut stems of Lisianthus (a vase life power house) and the true work horses of the gardens -perennials like coneflower, delphinium, and yarrow.

Each week brings something different to the vase and most bouquets last a week ( or longer with proper care). 

Because farming is such a weather dependent en devour official dates will be finalized and communicated a few weeks before we kick off the season.

Pick up at the Studio in Barnum (6th and Federal) on Wednesdays from 3pm-7pm.

As a CSA Member you also become a Flower Friend for the 2024 growing season. This new format includes a weekly reminder and ingredient list ( which is really a love letter to the flowers for that week) in the form of a newsletter. I will also highlight what’s coming into bloom in the fields giving you a behind the scenes peak on what to expect! This is also where I’ll do more writing and deep dives on growing in an urban setting– as well as sharing a bit more from the heart on what’s going well and where I find myself in the season. Finally, your Flower Friend Membership entitles you to early discounts and sales as well as a 10% discount on additional purchases during your season. 

Your purchase of a Summer Subscription helps support the growing, tending, and harvesting of these beautiful blossoms! Thank you so much. Please note that all sales are final there will be no refunds- you can gift or sell the remainder of your subscription if you are unable to continue— I ask that you share that change with me if you do so. Also, I ask that if you are unable to pick up on any given week that you contact Sarah and let her know who will be picking up in your place.

Subscriptions are limited! Purchase early to ensure your summer blooms!



Fall CSA Bouquet

Fall CSA Bouquet

Summer CSA 4 Weeks

Summer CSA 4 Weeks


